News in Sustainability

How Does Urban Farming Help Combat Food Waste?

Urban farms are broadly defined; they can be anything from a small, local garden, to a rooftop greenhouse, or even a complex vertical garden. One thing these variations all share is what they are at their core, and what they promise a future generation: sustainable access to food production.

Why is urban farmer a new technology and why is it a recently trending topic? As we are all aware, hunger and starvation continue to prevail as one of the most pressing global issues. Over 795 million people are suffering from hunger around the globe, and while these numbers might indicate famine or a large decrease in food production, we are actually producing more food than ever, the only issue is this: We waste 1/3 of the food we produce.

Not only do we waste a significant portion of our food, the food industry is inherently unsustainable. The meat and dairy industry not only waste mass amounts of water, but also contribute to rising carbon dioxide levels and deforestation.

By growing food locally, it encourages a mentality that centers around only growing what you need. Mass production is bound to be wasteful, but if we take food production into our own hands and stop relying on massive agricultural industries, not only will our food be safe from pesticides and other chemical agents, it will have not contributed to deforestation, water waste, carbon dioxide production, and unethical work practices. Even if the food we eat is vegan, to reduce the amount of that food as it travels around the country would cut down on the fuels it take to carry out those deliveries.

Can’t build your own garden? Try sourcing your fruits and vegetables from local vendors and farmers markets. These have travelled shorter distances, and typically are not the mass agricultural farms that you find in grocery stores.

Mason Twins